The people have selfishly and blindly stood their ground in regards to their request for a king "like the other nations". Even after the warning they received from Samuel, the man of God, by God. It is amazing how we think we can see further and deeper than God.
Verses 1-10
Kish was Saul's father and he was noted as a mighty man of power, which meant he was well respected as a leader during the times of war and was also a wealthy land owner. He was of the tribe of Benjamin,which is the smallest of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Saul is described as being extremely handsome and the writer even goes as far as saying that there was not a person among the children of Israel that was more handsome than Saul. He was also extremely tall. In other words, Saul was not too bad on the eyes!
Kish's donkeys got loose and Saul was sent along with his servant to go look for them. (not a coincidence--keep that in mind--God always has purpose) They searched and searched and searched to the point that Saul was beginningto get concerned that his father would forget about the donkeys and start worrying about him. Saul's servant began to be used by God to lead Saul to Samuel. He lets Saul know that the city they are currently in has a man of God who may know where the donkeys are because he talks with God, is the mouthpiece of God, and everything he says comes to pass. (remember what he said in Ch. 8) But Saul says, that they can't go because they don't have anything to bring the man of God.
>>>>>>It was customary during that time to bring something to the prophet whenever you came to ask of them as it was how the prophets physically survived. When the people brought them food, clothes, money, etc they used those things to survive as they were constantly traveling from city to city doing God's work.
Now, some theologians argue that Saul really did not want to go and see the prophet. They say that there was no way that Saul did not have anything to give the man of God, because he came from a wealthy family and his father would not have sent him out without any money. Also, the fact that the servant had something and Saul obviously had access to more than the servant, Saul was holding out and was selfish to take the little that his servant had. But, again it goes right along with what God warned the people concerning their new king. That he would use their possessions (land, children, etc) before his own.
Verses 11-21
They went to the city and got confirmation that Samuel was indeed in the city. They were also given instructions as to where to meet Samuel.
>>>>It is extremely important that as we are going through life's journey that we are following the instructions that God gives us so that we can come face to face with our divine destiny. There are times when God gives us instructions directly and other times, when they come through someone else. But when it is from God, we have to be mindful to follow the instructions given regardless of where it takes us.
Saul and his servant followed the instructions and came across Samuel. The bible tells us that God had spoken to Samuel and told him about Saul.
>>>>>This is the wonderful thing about God. If we stay in His presence and keep the communication lines open He will not allow us to be caught off guard. He will keep us a few steps ahead and prepare us for what is to come. He is faithful in this.
Now Saul had no idea what Samuel looked like.
>>>>Alot of times we have an expectation of what our destiny pitstops and our destiny itself should look like. Which is why we don't recognize it when we walk right up on it. That is why we should praise God for Grace and Mercy, because they don't let us miss it IF the communication lines are open.
Samuel let Saul know that he was the person that Saul was looking for. God was letting Samuel know everything that Saul was thinking and feeling. Samuel gave Saul instructions and told him not to worry about his donkeys that were lost.
>>>>>>Can you imagine the look that was on Saul's face when Samuel said that? That was one of those 'pick your mouth up off the floor' moments!
Samuel in a way gave Saul a clue that he was going to be and do some great things when he made the statements: "And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on you and on all your Father's house?" But Saul, like so many of us, naturally put a limit on what God could do by outlining to Samuel all of the reasons why this could not happen to him.
>>>>>Why do we do that? Please understand, that when you accepted Christ into your heart and as your personal savior the bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. " So don't harp on what you did or used to do, what your mama did or didn't do, etc. You are what God says you are and you can be what God says you can be. Dot, Period, End! And if you haven't then I encourage you to invite him into your heart. I have provided prayers in previous posts that you can utilize if you need to.
Verses 22-27
Now Samuel extended to Saul ,and his servant, the privilege of sitting at the head of the table and all that were there (and there was noone there that had not been invited) saw this. Then to top it off, Saul got the part of the meat that was usually set aside for the guest of honor.
>>>>>See this is what I mean. God already knew that Saul was coming that way and He told Samuel. Everything was ready and in order for Saul's arrival because Samuel listened to the voice of God. Even though Samuel did not like the fact that the people wanted a king, he still obeyed God and blew Saul's mind. It isn't about what we like or don't like. We have to understand that it isn't about us at all! It is about Kingdom building and bringing God glory!
After the feast, Samuel instructed Saul to have his servant go ahead because there were some things that Samuel needed to share with Saul and they were exclusively for Saul.
>>>>>>People are in your life for a purpose and a season. When that purpose and season is up it is time to move on. God allowed that particular servant to come with Saul to look for those donkeys because He knew that that servant would lead Saul to Samuel. That was his purpose...purpose fulfilled. Let them go on to their next assignment. When you latch on to a person longer than you should you become a parasite. And when you let them stay too long in the role that they should not be in, you become the host to the parasite. (Whoa..I just said something right there,but I'm gonna leave it alone for now and let you ponder on that!)
>>>>>> When God has something just for you, don't go around telling everyone. There is a time and place for testimony and it is a strong tool used to bring people closer to Christ. However, there are times when God tells you things strictly for you and you alone. There are some parts of your struggle where it will just be you and God. You can't tell your girl about all about it and there may be times where you can't tell your pastor. It is your wilderness season that God is gonna have to get you through if you are to make it through. Please don't learn that the hard way, as you will find that the people you thought that were praying for you were actually praying against you. You will find that all along, the only person you really had in your corner was God.
I pray that this bible study brought about some clarity and insight for you in your walk with God. If you have not subscribed to this blog, do so now!
Blessings and Love,
Pastor N. Smith