Thursday, December 29, 2016

Comfort vs Comfortable

God has given me a few challenges towards the end of this year.  And by challenges I don't mean trials or hardships.  I mean He has challenged me to become more intimate with Him and walk closer with Him.  And that is my heart's desire.  One of those challenges has been to post the revelations that He gives me during my prayer time.  That is a challenge because the Father and I will begin communicating with one another and I usually forget to write it down.  Which means after my prayer time is over I don't always remember the amazing information that He provided.  So here we go.

The post from this morning is actually from my journal that I wrote Feb 7, 2015 (yes I actually remembered to write it  Feel free to post your questions on this blog or your comments. No one can see them but me unless you give me permission to make them public (the blog only). You can also post them on any social media site that this blog comes up on and they will be public.  Enjoy!

**While reading Psalm 139 God began to reveal that we always want comfort as God is trying to get us to safety.  We often times don't hear or listen because we want comfort first.  We have to know that someone cares.  Wanting that causes us to stay in our situation longer than needed or necessary.  God pushed me to look at the words comfort and comfortable.  It was almost like a nagging that would not go away until I did it.  The Holy Spirit kept saying that God wants us comfortable but we are always seeking comfort.  So I looked up the words.
        Comfort:  to soothe, console, or reassure
        Comfortable:  being or existing in a state of physical or mental comfort, contented, and
Do you see the difference between the two.  We are looking for moments of comfort, here and there when things get to hard.  God is trying to get us to the point where we are constantly in a state of being undisturbed or unmoved by anything going on around us.  It is more than a moment.  Trust God to get you to that state and allow Him to do what He needs to do in your life.  I constantly hear people say that they are tired of what they are going through, yet they keep doing the same foolishness.  When you will get to the point that you are tired enough to trust God?  He is not your problem, but He is trying real hard to be your solution.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Do You Recognize Me?

This morning my sister in law preached at the 8am service and God really used her.  I know this because the Holy Spirit asked me an extremely profound question that connected with her teaching.  And the question was:  "Do You Recognize Me?"  I would say for the most part we don't recognize when God has brought the deliverance that we need into our lives because we are looking for it to come a certain way.  We have actually prepared ourselves for it to be a certain way and that is why we miss it.  We miss it and find ourselves marinating in the foolishness, the pain, the doubt, the suffering, etc.  We missed it!

My sister in law came out of the book of Isaiah and she talked about the 4 servant songs that are found in the book.  The first song is Isaiah 42: 1-4 and that song (poem) talks about the servan'ts mission.  The second song is Isaiah 49: 1-6 and it talks about the servan'ts responsibility.  The third song is Isaiah 50:4-9 and it talks about the servant's suffering and the fourth song is Isaiah 53 and it talks about the servant's trial and death.  For most who read these scriptures they will see the revelation and the prophetic word and mentioning of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  But we also must see our place in this.  One as the servant and two as the ones who often miss what God has for us.  Many missed and continue to miss the fact that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God and He is our deliverer and our savior.  He did what no other servant could do.  He came into this world by a virgin and also He knew no sin. He bore our sins upon himself and took the death that we all deserve.  I need you to go and read the 4 songs of the servant and then I need you to look yourself in the eyes and ask yourself "Do I Recognize You Lord?"  Humble yourself before God and ask Him to reveal the times that you missed the deliverance, the blessing that He sent your way.  How many times were you angry or disappointed because you thought God forgot about you?  When the truth of the matter is, He didn't forget about just didn't recognize Him?

Let me know your thoughts, your questions, and your prayer requests.

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Nichica Melton

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Year of Return---The Word from the Lord for 2016

As many of you know every year I post the word that God shares with me for the upcoming year. Feel free to share and provide your comments.  Keep in mind that because we are all in different places in our walk, it will something different to everyone.

The Year of Return

I will enter in to those who are ready and willing.  I will overflow like the River Jordan.  I will feed.  No more dry places.
Sight unknown.
Discernment is key.
Prayer is key.
You must commune with Me.  Rest in Me.  Do not interfere with My plans.  I know better than you.  Trust Me in all things.  
The Year of Return
Return to Me says the Lord.  Return to me.  I decide where and who my favor rests on.  Don't assume that it will rest on you.  What is sown shall be reaped. Return!
Greater is coming!
Be prepared!
I see your hearts and I know the truth.  Do not hide from Me.  Commune with Me. I will not harm you. Trust in Me.
Greater is coming for you!
Don't be scared by next.
Next is necessary in your life.  I am with you.  
Know what I require and obey.  Nothing shall by any means harm you.  
Discernment is key.
Know your surroundings and who surrounds you.
Know your surroundings and who surrounds you.
Justice has been released.