Monday, April 21, 2014

The Decision Is Yours

For the past few days I have been hearing the same scripture over and over again.  This scripture is Romans 12:2 which says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (NIV)

Over the years I have understood that God does not do anything by coincidence.  It is all  part of His plan (His good and perfect will)  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I send my readers this message and I pray that you take it seriously and spread it....

As the title of this post reads.."The Decision Is Yours"...this is truth.  God gives us the ability and opportunity to make our own decisions.  We can not blame anyone for our decisions and our choices.  All the good , the bad, and the ugly that come from our decisions belongs to us.  Included in that, is the decision to follow God totally.  The Body of Christ is still picking and choosing which scriptures we want to follow and the ones that are picked are the ones that we are comfortable with or the ones that we can use to justify our actions.  God commanded us to follow every word that comes out of His mouth.  Whether it is a corporate word or an individual word...we are supposed to follow it.  Nobody said that it would be easy or that we would like it.  But if you don't follow God's instructions for your life...DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT THE RESULTS YOU GET!

The word of God says in Proverbs 23:7, "So a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (NKJV)  This means that whatever you say about yourself or your situation, this is what you will be and what will happen in your life.  So if you say that you believe the word of God, then take the entire word!  Stop speaking the foolishness over yourself and stop speaking foolishness into your life.  The decision is yours!  Paul said that when I was child, I spake as a child, but now that I am no longer a child I have put away childish things (paraphrasing).  He made that decision and we must all make that decision. 

No more wasting time whining, complaining, talking out of the side of your head, and then expecting change to take place.  No more doing the right thing for a couple days or weeks or even months and expecting that you won't have anymore trials and tribulations.  No more expecting that the people around you will change just because you did.  Just like you have a decision to make, THEY have a decision to make.  And when we stand before the Father to give an account of our works, you will not be able to blame anyone else.  Because, the decision has always been yours.

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Nichica Melton