Tuesday, November 13, 2007



Question: I understand that we have to have problems in order to know what we can withstand. But why do we have to go through so much to the point where you don't want to live?

Answer: This question has many parts to it, but it is a question that everyone has asked at some point in their life regardless of their age. So here we go......
1. The bible says that God will not put more on us than we can bear (I Cor. 10:13--No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.)

This passage is reminding us that there have been others that have experienced the same pain, disappointment, hurt, confusion, etc that we are experiencing right now. It also reminds us that God is sooo good that He will not allow us to be pushed or tempted beyond what we are capable of handling. It also tells us that even in the temptation, God gives us a way to get out of it so that we don't have to feel the full weight of it. How amazing is that? The catch is, we have to have a relationship with Him in order to see and hear the way of escape. We expect God to come in surround sound. We find out from Elijah that sometimes, God is the still, small voice. (1 Kings 19:11-12). This means that we have to stop our whining and complaining and begin talking to God about what He wants us to see and hear and ask Him to reveal it to us. When we get still and quiet and focus our energy on Him, we find that He has been speaking all the time.

2. Now since the bible already has said that God will not put more on us than we can bear, then how did it get to the point that we could not bear it. Well for one, we tend to put more on us than we can bear because we don't pay attention to all of the red flags and patterns that take place in our lives. We tend to stick to people's promise (who disappoint) versus God's promises. Because we don't trust God the way we should and the relationship with God is not what it could be, our loyalty is to what seems logical and more common sense to the world. But God plainly says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways" (Isaiah 55:8) God is going to do things that is going to bring Him glory. When you find a believer who hasn't had any overtime, has the same amount of bills that they did last month, but they have an extra $100 in their account---that's God.

Now I understand that some people are born into the world's worst family situations that you did not ask for and you feel that you really can't change anything about it. Well, we can't change who our parents are. However, prayer can and will change anything. It comes through being crazy enough to believe that the God we serve can do exceedingly and abundantly above anything that we can ask. See, when we don't believe or when we have doubt (even if for a moment) we literally put the brakes on God. God can only move as fast as our faith is strong. The stronger our faith, the quicker He moves. We have to take our eyes off of our situation. Does that mean ignore it...NO. Because the reality is, we are living it. However, God allows us to see it so that we know what to pray about. He allows us to hear it, so that we know what to pray about. Now I will do something on prayer later, but know that God is showing you exactly what you need to pray against. If we look at Hannah, ( 1 Samuel 1: 1-20) her miracle did not come immediately. She endured ridicule in her own house for many, many years. She was laughed at and made fun of to her face. But a change took place when her faith took over. I want you to read that for yourself and put your name in Hannah's place. Put your prayer request in the place of hers..cry what you need to cry and when youget off of your knees, come up with a renewed faith in God that He not only heard it, but He will answer it according to His will.

3. Now the scripture that we read towards the beginning stated that God will give us a way of escape. The catch is, we have to take it. If we don't move when He says move, then that is on us. It doesn't mean that He will not open another door, it just means the longer you stay in the fire....the deeper your burns will be. First degree burns can be treated with a little butter and ointment. Second degree burns take more and leave scarring. Third degree burns can be fatal. See sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.

If you are to the point that you want to end it, then there is something that you missed. Take a few minutes, by yourself, and talk to God. You have to be like Jacob when he was wrestling with the Angel (see if you can find this one) and Jacob told the Angel that he would not let go until the Angel blessed. You stay on your knees and you pray and you pray and you pray until you get clarity from God. It may take a few minutes or a few hours.....but hold on until you get your blessing!!

Now this is the first of many questions and if you have your own questions or thoughts,please add them to the post and I will research your question according to God's word as well.

Blessings and love,

Pastor Smith


WL4JC said...

Are there any scriptures that will help you as you are going through menopause? Especialy how it makes you every emotional and overwhelmed all the time.

Unknown said...

First let's understand and acknowledge that menopause is a natural occurrence among women. It is a transitional period and it often feels like the body is going crazy! Now with that being said, the best suggestion for you and anyone else that will be reading this, is that when you begin looking for scriptures look for ones according to what you are feeling or thinking. Obviously the word menopause is not going to be in the Bible. However, you mentioned that you feel very emotional and overwhelmed all of the time and I know that this is common among women with menopause. So let's dissect this a little.....emotions and other feelings are usually triggered by thought. If someone says or does something that we think is great, we have happy emotions. If they do something to hurt us, we have angry and sad emotions. Also, if we take the time to reminisce about something those thoughts will trigger an emotion. So this battlefield is of 'the mind' which means that your scriptures need to include, but are not limited to, verses regarding our mind and our thoughts. So here are a few to get you started, however; it is important that you don't wait until the emotional overload comes before you start praying (notice I didn't say saying) these scriptures. These should be a part of your daily prayer time so that they are written in your heart and become a part of your arsenal (weaponry). I will provide you with a sample prayer at the end of this post and then you tailor it for you.

1. Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

When you think of the mind of Christ you think peaceful, always on God's work and His plan, loving His brother, prayerful, happy, and focused. Include these adjectives in your prayer.

2. Isaiah 26:3:
You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.

Don't be worried and don't let people worry you. You can only do what you can do, but God can do all things! So give it to God, pray about it, and let God lead you to the solution. I know during menopause a woman's sensitivity is higher than usual which means the smallest of things can set her off. During your prayer time ask God to show you when you are about to go overboard before it happens. Then pay attention to the clues that He gives you so that you can catch yourself. (This really applies to any situation whether you are in menopause or not)

3. Isaiah 50:4
"The Lord GOD hath given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary. He wakeneth morning by morning; He wakeneth Mine ear to hear as the learned.

In the preschool that I was Administrator over in Charlotte, NC, the owner taught the children this saying: "I have the mind of Christ and the tongue of the learned, therefore; I know how to act". When I first heard it I thought it was so powerful and it is. When we have the mind of Christ, we are able to snap ourselves back to where we should be in our thinking. When we have the tongue of the learned, we don't use our tongue to kill one another. But we use it along with our minds, in the most masterful way to uplift and build up the body of Christ and therefore the Kingdom of God. (This includes ourselves). The bible tells us that David had to encourage himself so don’t always look for other people to give you that extra push.

Now I could go on and on, but I think that this is enough to get you started. Remember that the prayer that I am providing is only a template. You know your situation so tailor it for you and read over these scriptures daily so that they become engrained into the very fiber of your being. Then add to your list gradually as you do not want to be overwhelmed and look at this as a burden.

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I come before you now as humble as I know how. I thank you for your word that is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my pathway that I will not be lost nor confused as long as I cling to it for my very survival. I thank you Father that you are not a selfish God, but that you give freely to all of your children. I thank you for giving me the mind of Christ and the tongue of the learned. I thank you Father that regardless of where I am or what I am doing, you are also there watching over me and that you don't miss anything. And because you don't miss anything, I ask Father that you allow me to know my trigger points so that I will no longer be guided and controlled by my emotions, but by your spirit and your word. I decree right now in the name of Jesus, that the emotional roller coasters are gone. I decree right now in the name of Jesus, that the feelings of being overwhelmed are no longer, for I am your child. You have named me and claimed me as your own. Therefore Father, I decree, and thank you that I do have the mind of Christ. This is a mind of peace, happiness, forgiveness, love, understanding, focused, and constantly thinking about your work and working your plan. I love you Father and I exalt you right now for loving me better than I could ever love myself. In the name of Jesus I do pray, Amen.

I pray that this helps and remember that God can only move as fast as our faith is strong. So when you pray the prayer, believe it and walk in it.

Blessings and love.

Pastor N. Smith