Sunday, December 30, 2007

I Samuel Ch 8

In the book of Ruth we learned what God will do when we trust and obey Him. We bore witness as to what happens when we walk in blind obedience, which is in essence faith. We will now study Saul and see what happens when obedience becomes disobedience.

Verses 1-3
Samuel, the prophet and man of God, made his own sons Judges over Israel. These sons did not believe in God and live a Godly life the way that Samuel did. They took bribes and found ways to always benefit. They were a poor representation of Samuel and God. The people were furious with their behavior and they were also upset with Samuel because he did nothing about it.

>>>How many of us have experienced a leader in the church who preaches or teaches or even criticizes others, but their own kids or their own house is not in order? This is the position that the children of Israel were in. We look at leaders like this as hypocrites or we don't give them the respect they think they deserve because our mindset is "How can you tell us what to do, when you can't even control your own house?"
The problem with this mindset is that we don't usually pray for the leader, but we criticize or we talk about them or discredit them among ourselves. We, as believers, must always lift one another up in prayer. We never know when such issues shall come upon us or when we shall get to the point that our ability to make decisions are no longer God driven, but emotion driven.

Verses 4-9
The children of Israel were making decisions off of emotion. This was nothing they prayed about or took counsel with God about. They wanted a king so that they could be like the other nations and they wanted a king like the other nations. WHOA!
>>There is a red flag right here. For them to say that they wanted a king like the other nations meant they wanted a king that had the characteristics of the other nations. Now who were the other nations? They were idol worshippers and people that God did not want Israel to mingle with. The people of Israel were the chosen people of God, but that was not good enough. They wanted to be like the other nations. Well, when we try to be like others we take on their mindset, which means we take on their problems, which means we take on their consequences and their reward. How backwards we become when we are driven off of emotion?! You don't even have to have a whole lot of religion to know that that request was absolutely rediculous!

They told Samuel that he was getting old, which basically meant ---you are going to be dieing soon! They told him that his sons were out of control and they did not want to be under their rule any longer. Samuel was hurt by this because he thought that the people had turned their backs on him and he was angry at their request. Samuel took the request to God and God told Samuel to let it go because they were not rejecting him......they were rejecting God. Now the God that we serve is so Awesome!! God knew what was/is best for His children. But like any parent, He gets to a point where He says, "I can show you better than I can tell you". So He tells Samuel to give them what they want but warn them. And He gives Samuel an exact listing of the characteristics of their future king.
>>>>Now why was this a rejection of God? (I'm glad you asked)
Let's take a look at their request: They wanted a king that would go before them and fight their battles. Now doesn't that sound like Christ? But they did not want a heavenly king. Nothing in their request said give us a king that will obey you oh God and teach us to walk in your statutes. They said give us a king like all of the other nations. So they were saying to God, that we don't want you to lead us. We don't want you to go before us in battles and bring about victory because we don't think that you can! What a statement to make to God....I don't want you and I don't need you. I just need what you created. (Is it just me or is that completely retarded) But, every time we do contrary to God's Word we tell Him that He doesn't know what He is talking about. Every time we knowingly sin, we tell Him that we don't believe what His word says--the wages of sin are death. So how are we different? It is so easy to criticize others, but at some point in our lives we have been the others. We might not have said what they said, but someone said that "actions speak louder than words". When is the last time that you showed God how much you love Him or appreciate Him. How much time have you spent with Him today. How much time do you spend cultivating your relationship with Him?

Verses 10-22
>>>Now why would He tell Samuel to warn them? Oohh, BECAUSE HE IS JUST THAT GOOD! He was giving them another opportunity to change their minds and allow God back into their hearts. He does the same for us. He gives us that last opportunity to turn around before we walk off the cliff. But they refused it because they weren't listening. They already had their minds made up. You remember how your friends told that that person didn't mean you any good and all you could see was what you wanted to see? Ummhum...that is where they were and there was nothing that Samuel could say to change their minds. Samuel went back to God and told him all that the people had said. God instructed Samuel to give them exactly what they want!

There are many times when we get frustrated with God because He does not give us what we want when we want it. We withhold ourselves from Him because we say to ourselves, 'what's the point'! Learn from the mistakes of the past and trust God. He knows what is best for all of us because He does not operate off of limited vision. He sees everything from every angle. Take this opportunity to make it right with Him by saying this prayer out loud:

Father God in the name of Jesus, I ask your forgiveness right now for my impatience and wanting things when I want them. I know in my heart that you, above everyone, knows exactly what I need when I need it. I am reminded of your word where you instruct me to be anxious for nothing for in due time I will reap. I thank you God that even in my disobedience and selfishness, you never allowed the enemy to devour me. I love you Lord with all of my heart and I ask God that you wash me completely in the blood of your son Jesus Christ that I may be clean. I ask that you give me a clean and pure heart and renew the right spirit in me. I thank you Lord that even now I feel your presence, your power, and your love. Lord, I declare right now that you are the best thing that is happening to me right now! In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

May God continue to bless you and may you continue to grow in Him like you never have before. If this bible study has impacted you in any way, please let me know. Also send your questions, thoughts, and testimonies.

Blessings and love,
Pastor N. Smith

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