What is God up to? We often ask this question, especially when tragedy hits or things just start happening out of the blue that really doesn't make sense. The frustrating thing is that we don't always get the answer or at least not the answer that we are looking for in regards to an explanation of Why? What I have learned is that God does not desire that we be in the dark concerning anything. So if there is something that you are asking God about and you don't seem to be getting an answer keep the following in mind:
1. The answer may be more than you can handle or comprehend so you just need to trust God that He has it all under control
2. You may not be in a mental, emotional, or spiritual place to hear Him. You may just have too much going on and you can't hear that God is talking to you. So get yourself in a quiet place and just begin to read or meditate on his Word. Begin to praise Him and then you will be amazed at how He will begin to flood in over the next few weeks.
3. Your situation may be like Daniel's, when he prayed to God but the angel that was bringing the message was being detained by a demonic spirit.(Daniel Ch. 10) This just means that you need to keep praying and keep believing.
Either way, the message is still the same. Keep praying, keep believing, and keep trusting God. You can't go wrong by doing those things. God can not fail you! Remember that..so the next time you want to ask the question.."What is God is up to" just answer yourself by replying that He is up to blessing me and working out all of my situations in my favor!
Blessings and Love,
Pastor Nichica Smith
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