Friday, December 13, 2013

Prenatal Praise

I just left from an evening service in Gastonia, NC and the pastor that brought the message used the topic "Prenatal Praise" and he came from Luke 1:41. This text simply states that when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby within her womb lept and she (Elizabeth) was filled with the Holy Spirit.  The preacher went on to say that although John was in his mother's womb he felt the presence of The Christ and began leaping or moving around alot in his mother's womb. Then he began describing the womb as follows:
         1.  Tight
         2.  Dark
         3.  Lonely

But in spite of all of that, he still praised the Lord because he knew he was in His presence.  WOW!  I know that I have been in many a tight, dark, and lonely place and I know that you have to.  But the key is learning how to instinctively praise God when we are in His presence.  It does not matter whether or not we see Him or if we have paid attention to the signs and hints that He leaves us to show us that He is with us.  We know that we are always in His presence and He is always with us.  REGARDLESS of what our eyes might encounter or what our emotions might feel.  It does not matter if we have a confirmation from any one else...that is not relevant.  As believers, our faith is not determined by emotion or other people's confirmations!  It is built on the Word of God and Christ has told us that He will be with us always; even until the end of time. 

Does it always feel like it?  NO!  Are there going to be hellified days in your life?  YES!!!  Are you going to find yourself feeling like you are all alone and in some tight and dark moments?  YES!!!  But even in the womb, you must release a prenatal praise, because the work that God is doing in you is not complete and God is trying to birth you WHILE birthing that which He placed in you!

I praise God for Pastor Omar Dykes and this awesome word.  I know that many of you may doubt what I am saying right now because you feel like you have been in more dark places than anything else.  But what harm would there be in believing and trying it God's way?  You already see what doing things your way brings...more darkness, more loneliness, and more tight places.  God's way will not eliminate all of your problems, but it will sho nuff see you through them AND with a VICTORY!

So men and women of God, unleash your prenatal praise!!!

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Nichica Melton

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