Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stop Focusing On The Rug

We have all heard the phrase: "Pulled the rug out from under me." Sometimes in our Christian walk we feell like the rug has been pulled out from under us because we were in a place where were happy and content and then all of a sudden it seemed as if anything that could go wrong... did. Or something 'out of the blue' kind of blind sides us and we are left wondering, where did that come from? Then we spend amazing amounts of time wondering why, and how we are going to fix it, how could this happen, where did this come from, what did I do wrong, and a whole host of stuff that clouds our minds and gets us focusing on the 'rug'.

The rug represents that thing that we thought mattered, but really didn't hold that much significance or importance. We got used to the rug being there and were comfortable with its presence, but if we actually took a step back and examined it....the rug didn't really do much but collect dirt. So when God decided to remove the rug, through His perfect will, we focus on the rug. We watch it leave our presence and wonder why God decided to remove it now...as if there would have been a better time for Him to do it. Or as if He needed to consult with us prior to doing anything. We put all of our energy on the removal of the thing that did nothing but collect the dirt in our lives and cause our allergies to act up because it was also holding on to the dirt of people that we allowed into our space. We start getting upset and afraid and nervous that the rug is no longer going to be there. Blaming the removal of it on the enemy and not believing that God would do something like that?! And to quote one of my members, we are focusing so much on the rug that we don't realize that the floor under neath, that had been covered up and ignored this entire time, is Gold!

Stop focusing on the rug and bless God for what He is getting ready to do. When God does something, it most definitely has a purpose. But it is up to us to trust His judgement and open our eyes, heart's, and spirit's to what he is trying to show us and the levels that He is trying to take us to.

Blessings and love,

Pastor Nichica Smith

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