Read this post have no time to be undecided. This could be your last chance.......
The warfare is not against you, it is against the Kingdom. You are not under fire. It feels like you are because you are a co-heir to the Kingdom and everything that comes with that position good or bad. You will experience it all. Keeping it real, satan could really care less about you personally. He is really trying to stop God's perfect will.
2 Corinthians 10:4 says, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." It is not only the weapons but the war itself that is not of this world.
We must not forget that satan is a fallen angel. (This war started in heaven.) He was an angel that thought higher of himself than he should have. He was so full of foolishness that he was kicked out. Can you imagine being in heaven and then being KICKED OUT!!! To put the icing on the cake he was not just kicked out. He was kicked out AND was given a fate of eternal damnation. His gig is signed, sealed, and delivered. He is hell bound forever no matter what. So, he is trying to take everyone that he can with him. You know misery loves company. This cat is a rare breed! He just don't want any kind of company, NO, that is not good enough! He wants those who have turned against God. Those who knew God and still choose to do things their way. Those who have experienced and heard the word of God, but still think the world's way is easier. Those who are so full of themselves who don't want to give up the way of the world even after they have experienced the goodness of the Lord. In other words, those who are like him. Through his destruction of you the Kingdom's plan can not be completed....or so he thinks. God really does not need us, he chooses to be in relationship with us and use us. THANK YOU FATHER!
Let me share with you - satan is patient. He does not care how long it takes to get you twisted up. If there is a slight chance that he might get you tripped up, he will keep at you until you give in. That is why it feels like you are on a roller coaster, the enemy has no new tricks. You are just going up and down over the old stuff. He is placing the same booby traps in front of you hoping you will not recognize that it is all an illusion. He does not want you to figure out the only truth is in the Father.
So don't get tripped up the next time you are in the wilderness and it seems like there is no way out. Remember:
- It is not about you, so give it to the person it is about so He can handle it.
- Read and remember Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalms 32:7
- The enemy comes to steal, kill, destroy, and recruit company for his fate
- Christ came to give life so that we would have it more abundantly.
- The enemy and the Father have as much power over you as you give them. Which one will you surrender too?
Blessings and Love,
Pastor Melton