Saturday, October 6, 2012

Change and Transition

1 Samuel 15:29

 He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind.”  New International Version (NIV)

When I read this text I had to pause and read it again just to make sure I knew who and what Samuel was talking about and referring to.  Just to catch you up, God is using Samuel to relay a message to Saul that he will no longer be king and God has found another that is a man after His heart.  A man that will serve Him and do His will.  ***CHANGE AND TRANSITION***

Now Saul's change and transition was brought about because of severe and consistent level of disobedience and the disobedience was over things that he KNEW God had told him.  There was no question in what God said, the question was Saul's commitment to God.  Our change does not always happen because we were disobedient.  I know at times it seems like it because the place that God has taken us to doesn't feel better than the place we just left.  There are times that we even question God and wonder why in the world would He take me through all this just to bring me here when I was happy, content, and satisfied over there. 

I have been there, so I know the feeling.  God is the Glory of Israel and the reason that He does not change His mind is because He does not make mistakes.  God's infinite wisdom knows all possibilities for us.  That includes every possible direction that we would take for every possible path that will come our way.  So if you are struggling with where you are right now, then I would encourage you and challenge you to do this:

       1.  Admit out loud to God how you feel about your change and transition (get it all out and be totally honest.  God can't help us unless we are  honest with where we are. Delusional believers are pathetic believers)
       2.  Ask God to show you the walls and areas of fear that you have in regards to your change and transition (don't argue with Him about it and don't take it lightly.  A barrier is a barrier)
       3.  Ask God to forgive you for doubting Him and to show you how to embrace where you are and where you are going. (We do this because often times we are ready to leave where we are, but we can't until we have learned what we need to learn.  And sometimes that is learning how to trust God)

We often times sit in awe of the people that we read in the Bible....Joshua, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Noah, Christ.  The only thing that was amazing about them was their level of trust in God.  Because they were able to trust God, they were able to obey God.  And because they were able to obey God, the anointing and power of God flowed freely through them.  GUESS WHAT?????   They are no more awesome than you!  Embrace your change and embrace your transition.  You will not always understand it or understand why...but the Glory of Israel does not change His mind.  Why? ......because He doesn't make mistakes.

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Nichica Melton

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