Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pressing Your Way Through

Recently I was reading in Romans 8 and there is a verse that says "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace" (verse 6)  That verse is so powerful and it brought into perspective some things that I am going through now, which is literally dealing with the scars from my past.  What this scripture says to us is that if we allow our minds to be overtaken by negative thoughts, whoa-is-me type thoughts and emotions, allow fear to come in, etc...we will not make it through.  That thing which conquered us before will do it again and again and again.  Once the enemy is able to identify a weakness, he does not let up.  BUT...the mind that allows it to be controlled by the Spirit of God is full of life and peace.  That is how it is possible for us to be more than conquerors and that is why the Word of God reminds us that "He keeps him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him". (Isaiah 26:3)

There will be things in your life that trigger pains from your past.  There will be people in your life that are pains from your past, but our job is to make sure we allow God in and to be in control.  When the Spirit of God controls our mind, the foolishness of other people does not.  And we all know, the longer we meditate on something it starts to consume us.  So let us choose to meditate and absorb the Word of God.  Even if it is one scripture per week and allow that Word to become a part of our thinking and eventually our behavior. 

Last night in my prayer time, God gave me this to say and I want to share it with you all:
                "I am my Heavenly Father's daughter.  I am not under any generational curse because He is not cursed.  I do not walk in pain and fear because He does not walk in pain and fear.  I am my Heavenly Father's daughter and I reflect Him in what I do, what I say, and what I think.  I am my Heavenly Father's daughter and I walk in His power and His authority."

Let that be yours and keep pressing your way through!

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Nichica Melton

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