Monday, January 30, 2017

Morning Insight Jan 30, 2017

Good morning!  It looks like these may become a regular practice as it appears that God is wanting to me to share more of the revelations and thoughts and conversations that He and I have.  And yes I said conversations.  It is possible for you to hear Him and know Him.  He is not a distant being that wants to rule over you and dictate to you.  He desires to commune with you.  But that is not why I write to you on this morning.

I want to ask some simple, yet soul searching questions.  Has God become a routine?  Is He common to you?  Do you read just to say you read or do you read for insight and understanding?  Do you understand what relationship with Him is and are you assuming that what you heard on Sunday about Him is correct?  How much of your time do you give to Him and is it just for Him or are you doing other things at the same time?  You have to evaluate truthfully and answer truthfully because when you confess what is truth, then God can come in and heal that which needs healing.  He can reverse that which is barren so that you have more than enough.  He can loose that which has you bound.  And He can uproot that which is suffocating you.

I think for many God has become too familiar.  We have heard His name so much that He no longer has the same awe for many people.  We don't reverence Him like we should.  It amazes me how so many leaders in the body of Christ can do their foolishness and they know it is foolishness, but then step into the pulpit or lead worship like it is just another day.  God is calling timeout on that.  Please listen and hear what I am saying.  God is not just a thing and He is not just a being.  But he celebrates with us and He hurts with us and He gets angry.  He wants the best for us and He wants us to be strengthened but how can He do those things for us when we refuse to take Him seriously.  We refuse to acknowledge His warnings throughout our life.  He tells us to go right and we go left.  He tells us to stay away from that person and we marry them.

God is not a thing.  He is a being with feelings and emotions.  He loves you and has loved you all the days of your life.  Stop blaming Him for your foolishness.  It was your bad decisions, not His.  The body of Christ is supposed to be the example in the Earth.  We are supposed to be the light.  But our light has become dim because we have made God COMMON.   He has become so familiar to us that we have placed Him on our level, put Him in a box, and we try to push Him to follow our plan.  Foolishness.  This trend has to stop.  You don't have to stay where you are.  Even if you are content with where you are, God wants you to go higher.  God never stops blessing us, but we can get to a point where we are not in a position to receive His blessings.  And if you don't have a relationship with Him, I encourage you to get into a strong Bible based fellowship where ever you are.  God does not want you to continue feeling like you are alone.  He never intended for you to go through this life on your own.  He did not create you to be broken, busted and disgusted.  And when you understand and live like you serve an UNCOMMON God, then UNCOMMON things will happen in your life.  Things that you can't explain.  Things where you can only say, "Nobody BUT God!"Take a moment and find the post that I did called "He Leads and We Must Follow" and read it.  I can't go into all of what God is sharing on this, however; join us on Thursday evenings at the Carl Chavis YMCA in High Point, NC and I will teach more on this as part 2 the Bible Study series is called, "Die Before You Live".  If you can't join us physically call in for Virtual Bible Study.  The number is 712.770.4010 access code 778397#.

I pray that this has blessed you and I encourage you to seek God daily!

Blessings and Love,

Pastor Nichica Melton

P.S.  Holy Spirit just spoke this to me.  Before you follow a person's advice on anything pay attention to what they are reaping.  Not the pics they show you on Facebook, but their life and lifestyle.  Look into their eyes, their home, their jobs, their friends and check for peace, love, and joy.  Look at the fruit they are producing. To follow a person's advice is to get their results and their life.  I choose to follow God.  What about you?

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